In this course, students explore graphic design from the vantage point of topology and topology through the practice of graphic design. We investigate topology at the junctions of surface, network, and set, illustrating the schematic nature of these configurations, as they appear in the context of certain problems in modern and contemporary graphic design.
realtime emoji use on twitter
François Desset, Une nouvelle histoire de l'écriture sur le Plateau iranien Il y a quelques mois, la presse internationale a fait écho d’une découverte archéologique majeure: un chercheur français, François Desset, est parvenu à déchiffrer l’un des plus anciens systèmes d’écriture de l'humanité, l’Elamite linéaire. Pour le premier rendez-vous du cycle de conférences AGORA ARTEM, François Desset viendra présenter ses travaux, accompagné de chercheurs de l’Atelier national de recherche typographique, qui collaborent aujourd’hui avec lui pour digitaliser cette écriture. Conférences enregistrées le 19 octobre 2021 au Musée des beaux-arts de Nancy
Wakamai Fondue is a tool that answers the question “What can my font do?”
Drop a font on it, or click the circle to upload one, and Wakamai Fondue will tell you about the features in the font. It will also give you all the CSS needed to actually use these features in your web projects!
Everything is processed inside the browser—your font will not be sent to a server!
We are a global network of women, connected together by our love of letters, type, and typography. We know that it is a constant battle to fight injustice and voice our outrage surrounding racism, discrimination, and oppression.
Traitement typographique du layout simple et élégant
A javascript tool for adjusting size, leading, and grades to cast continuously responsive typography. It works over your current CSS as a progressive enhancement.
Microtypography fixer for the web
Typeface as programme - Jürg Lehni
Ça peut servir.
Métrique des fontes PostScript - CG_1991___8_29_0.pdf
Open-source emojis for designers, developers and everyone else!
Des fontes Coréennes.
Unscii is a set of bitmapped Unicode fonts based on classic system fonts. Unscii attempts to support character cell art well while also being suitable for terminal and programming use.
Today, while I was waking up, I came up with an idea on how to do something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. But before I tell you what the idea was, let me contextualize you.
OpenType features allow fonts to behave smartly. This behavior can do simple things (e.g. change letters to small caps) or they can do complex things (e.g. insert swashes, alternates, and ligatures to make text set in a script font feel handmade).
A book of poetry by French writer Guillaume Apollinaire, noted for its use of “caligrams” in which typeface and arrangement of words on the page add to the meaning of the compositions. In this way, the collection can be seen as a contribution to the tradition of concrete or visual poetry.
Typothèque de l'ERG, design par Martin Campillo.