In its ruggedness and lack of concern to look comfortable or easy, Brutalism can be seen as a reaction by a younger generation to the lightness, optimism, and frivolity of today's webdesign.
Awesome Vim plugins from across the Universe
Version 1.8 of the OpenType font format specification introduces an extensive new technology, affecting almost every area of the format. An OpenType variable font is one in which the equivalent of multiple individual fonts can be compactly packaged within a single font file.
This year, at the ATypI typography conference in Warsaw, representatives from Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, and Google presented an exciting development in typography: support for variable fonts in OpenType fonts. Font variations are best shown with an example:
pour convertir des images en scii
Floss Manuals est une plateforme de partage et de co-création plurilingue. Floss Manuals met à la disposition du grand public et des professionnels une collection de livres en français sur les logiciels, la culture libre et le matériel libre. S'appuyant sur la communauté d'utilisateurs de ces outils, notamment les auteurs, éditeurs, artistes, développeurs de logiciels et activistes, ces livres sont consultables librement en différents formats (pages web, pdf et epub).
"All fonts from the section with the fonts I created may also be used without restriction for commercial projects. Also some of the only extended fonts are under a license, which allows the license file and a FAQ for this is then added to the download."
Because it began life essentially as a branch of the theory of computation, and because the latter began life essentially as a branch of logic, the discipline of artificial intelligence (AI) has very deep historical roots in logic.
Evening Class is a self-organised design education experiment; flexible environment where participants can cultivate common interests, develop their research and collectively shape the class’s agenda.
Memo autotrace by LAFKON Publishing
Raphaël Bastide is an artist and designer based in Paris. His work is mainly related to the digital and computer program culture. His projects include installations, online and offline performances, websites and custom made programs.
Un regroupement d'ouvrages traitant du design graphique et de la typographie.
Cela ne vous aura sans doute pas échappé : ces derniers temps tout le monde parle de Grid Layout, le récent module de positionnement CSS par grilles, aujourd'hui adopté par la plupart des navigateurs.
Carnet de recherches très intéressant sur le livre numérique, typo, système d'information.
une application web qui permet tout simplement de copier des caractères Unicode d’habitude compliqués à trouver.
work as if you live in the early days of a better nation
This is a virtual DEC PDP-1 emulated in HTML5/JavaScript running some early graphics demonstrations.
Bibliothèque en ligne avec un choix de pdf sur la typographie (textes en Anglais).
Une ressource très riche sur l'histoire et la culture du code
Un document très complet sur la typographie appliquée au web.